Saturday, 15 December 2018

Silly ideas for the bosses in the Sylvanas raid

1. Plague Golem

The Crimson Knight was the most prized weapon of Silvermoon. Ban'dinoriel, remade from a shield into a spear. Blessed by the Sunwell, animated by the blood of Ra.

And yet, even the Crimson Knight had fallen, when the Silvermoon was betrayed. The Forsaken claimed the carcass of this great golem and remade into the warbringer of plague and decay.

Join the Scarlet Crusade and the Spellbreaker Guard in an attempt to breach through the defenses of the hidden temple of Tyr’s Hand in Tirisfal Glades.

2. Grand Apothecary Stillwater

Crazed alchemist Stillwater betrayed the Forsaken. His name is now a curse. But the Dark Lady had always found him to be… resourceful. Thus, he was resurrected soon after his supposedly final death. The Necromancer Council taught him obedience.

Join Lightbound King Anduin Wrynn and LilIan Menethil in their descent into madness of the true Apothecary quarters.

3. Banshee Quartet

The song of lost homeland, of broken families, of great suffering. It is their last canticle. One of loyalty, bonds beyond death and sorrow.

The Alliance faces forces of Exarch Calia, while the Horde fights off an ambush of the Lightbound orcs. The enemies are defeated by the banshee quartet, who then engage the heroes in battle in the Opera Hall of the old Capital. They didn't wish it to end it like this. But it only makes their final song even more beautiful.

4. The Church of the Blessed Goddess

Every god must have a church of followers. Many cultists of the Forgotten Shadow had embraced the light of their new deity and abandoned the darkness. They will stop at nothing to spread the word of the one, who shall claim the Throne of the Pantheon.

The ritual in Lordaeron was merely a distraction. The followers of Sylvanas convert new followers to their faith. Right in Stormwind. The city might soon be lossed. Will Jaina and Thrall be able to set their differences aside?

5. The Necromancer Council

The Dark Lady had spent countless resources, time and effort to create a new order of her own loyal necromancers. They rule the True Undercity from a place akin to the old Forsaken throne room. Fittingly so, the necromancers had also resurrected the members of the Desolate Council...

The powers of Wrathion and his drakonids might be enough to erase the foul dimension of the True Undercity from Stormwind. But the Horde and the Alliance continue to fight each other, while the cursed realm continues to absorb the city. Remember, you can't trust the Black Prince. But you can always trust in the Arcanite Axe of Varok Saurfang.

6. Deathlord Cromush and the Royal Guard

Overlord Cromush always felt a strange sympathy towards the Forsaken. He was rewarded for such loyalty, for the Dark Lady is ready to embrace everyone, who in turn, embrace the virtues of her ways. Now, Cromush leads the elite squadron of the reformed Royal Guard.

Xal’atath has surfaced. And while the Undercity Nightmare was stopped, the united forces cannot stop the Black Blade without breaching the forces of the Royal Guard. Vindicaar is ready to operate. And the blood elves, the Nightborne, and the Zandalari are ready to enchance it even further.

7. The Moonbetrayed. The Ranger and the Warden

They were noble defenders of their people and fought valiantly. Just as the Dark Lady. And they lost, just as she did. And yet, the Dark Lady had shown them kindness. Now, they can claim vengeance. They can forsake their upstart goddess. They can win, for death cannot lose.

The trail of Xal’atath leads to the Emerald Dream portal in Duskwood. It’s well protected by those, who were most familiar with such scenery. The Night Warrior is there to punish them. But Bwonsamdi is mostly interested by what lies beyound the darkened dreamway.

8. Dark Prince Nathanos

Nathanos Marris was a soul most precious to our Dark Lady. He was brave, caring and, of course, loyal. Now, he wears the broken Helm of Damnation and is ready to serve as his goddess’ regent on Azeroth.

The Emerald Dream landscape of Azjol-Nerub. Most peculiar place. The Lich King with a torned crown, kept alive only by his twin blades and aid of his daughter. Most peculiar ally. The path to the Throne of the God of the Deep. At this point, not a surprising roadway. But the Dark Prince won’t just let the heroes path through. Well, but does Varimathras really care about this?

9. The Three Val'kyr

The Nine were bound by bonds of honor and duty. They were fearless warriors. And foolishly, they believed in Sylvanas. Betrayed and abandoned, they are ready to avenge their sisters and stop the Dark Lady from her final act of sacrilege. The Halls of Valor might never forgive them, but the sisters never fought for glory. Only for what is right.

Three Windrunners. Three val’kyr. The Blade, the Heart of the Deep, The Ley-walker. The nine. Ny’alotha itself is writhing from excitment.

10. Sylvanas, the demigoddess of creation and destruction

Once a ranger of Quel’Thalas. Once a banshee of the undead hordes. But in the azerite, she had finally recognized her true destiny. A creator of countless new beautiful worlds. A destroyer of that which is unworthy to exist. A goddess. And yet, the one, who wants to become a god, should beware the dagger, who once itself was a god… But the question is… should you oppose the lady, who will bring peace and immortality?

No-one wishes to abandon the place of understanding, of comfort. The fear is a powerful tool. Only the fear of the unknown might lead the Old God to pave the way for its greatest enemy. Only the blind terror can reshape the bonds between the Highfather of Skyhold and the Fallen Queen of Helheim. The portal to the realm of the stars has blocked the way to the Throne of the Pantheon. The Dark Lady now faces a new challenge. Expected one at that. But... she readied herself to see Elune, moon incarnate, and yet she met the gaze of the sun instead. But the wolf will find his prey in any time of day.

Board the Vindicaar into the plato of a true god. Choose your side. Fight for honor and avenge your fallen allies. Or fight for immortality and the new world, where no god shall ever dictate you your future. But remember, your actions will affect your questing experience in the next expansion.

1 comment:

  1. I mean nice thinking. but there wont be a Sylvanas Raid in this xpac
